Spiritual Growth Studio


Awaken the Spirit of God within you and unleash your miraculous power to live an extraordinary life.

Become the amazing person your soul senses.

Let me show you how!

What is Spiritual Growth Studio?

Your greatest potential lies latent within you, waiting to be discovered.


Spiritual Growth Studio is an online subscription that guides you on a spirit- awakening journey to discover the power and potential within you.

It is monthly support for people, like you, who want access to the spiritual dimension of healing, wisdom and love; given through beautiful, soulful lessons and spirit-awakening practices that pair universal principles with Scripture.

It is your one-stop sacred space for learning and practicing the art of combining the power of your mind with the power of your Spirit, in a Mindset + Spirit-set paradigm.

Spiritual Growth Studio makes this easy and practical

…going beyond the satisfaction of material things and helping you experience firsthand how your deep and lasting spiritual growth is the foundation for building a happier, healthier, and more enjoyable life than you ever imagined possible.

Enjoy FREE Lessons Now

How much have you needed a plug and play system to get deliberate about your spiritual growth? Couldn’t you reach more of your potential with a monthly practice to activate the life-transforming power of Spirit within you?


Listen in on a sample of the teachings you’ll find in Spiritual Growth Studio.

Yes! Send Me These 2 FREE Lessons

Who is Spiritual Growth Studio for?

Spiritual Growth Studio is for you if you’re ready to make the power of your Mind and your Spirit the backbone of your reality, so you live in:    

  • Peace instead of stress 
  • Strength instead of weakness
  • Abundance instead of lack
  • Health instead of sickness

  • Trust instead of disbelief
  • Confidence instead of inferiority
  • Faith instead of fear
  • Love instead of hate

If you want to stop soul-eroding patterns and move beyond reactivity, fear, and suffering to experience happiness, security and success, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Whether you’ve been on a spiritual path for a long time or are new to the journey, I meet you where you are and show you how to uncover the amazingly wonderful capabilities of the divine within you.


Are you ready to learn new ways of fulfilling what your heart and soul long for?

Moment by moment, you can take the steps from self to God, from human endeavor to spiritual dominion.

-Cherie Larkin

Hereā€™s a sneak peek inside Spiritual Growth StudioĀ 

Every teaching you’ll find in the studio emphasizes my Mindset + Spirit-set paradigm because, from a world of pure potentiality, we essentially create realities with our minds by the choices we make.


I focus on uncovering the mysticism of each character, symbol, or event in Scripture which, when studied, offers up a secret for how to align your thoughts with your Spirit.


Spiritual Growth Studio helps you link with the original creative mind through which all things have their existence and through which all things are made.


Let understanding pass into knowledge, and knowledge into a consciousness and a use of the power that moves mountains.

Module 1 ~ Video Lessons


This module is filled with lessons that delve into the universal spiritual principles. You’ll learn what each principle is designed to do, how it functions, and how you can blend it with your Spirit to become your most magnificent self.

These practical how-to’s equip you with an inventory of spiritual tools to navigate your life joyously and successfully. Find a new job after being fired, new love after divorce, new life after illness, new prosperity after loss, new faith after disappointment.

Learn to keep Spirit as your constant help to empower you through any change as you nurture your heart with prayer and move forward with confidence knowing you are being guided to the highest and best outcomes.

Module 2 ~ Audio Lessons

Listening and learning is a fun and powerful way to advance your understanding. This potpourri of audio messages emphasizes the application of principles like love, guidance, prosperity, forgiveness, faith, strength, and more.

You’ll hear how real people use these real principles to make real change in their lives to get real results, and how you can do the same. Turn challenges into victories, and become equipped to unlock your most extraordinary life.

Recorded by Cherie before a live audience, you’ll feel like you are seated right in the front row for an intimate presentation of “vintage” yet timeless spiritual truth. Put on your headphones and be inspired as you listen (and grow) on the go!

Module 3 ~ Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation are at the heart of advancing your life. Time spent in quiet reflection with the Divine will empower you. These prayers firm up healthy thought patterns of love, peace, and joy to produce a calm assurance and build faith.

Leave behind stressful feelings of emptiness, sadness and overwhelm. Banish worn out beliefs that have never worked but have held you captive to a life of mediocrity. Dissolve scarcity consciousness and develop a flow of abundance. Awaken your brilliance and tap your full potential. Rewire your thinking by choosing to renew your mind. Regain hope, optimism and faith in what’s possible.

And, when your mind is more active, blast out of problems with feel-good, power-thought drills set to fast-paced music, called “sweat your prayers” ...perfect to add to your workout.

Module 4 ~ Intensives

Many of the characters and events in Scripture are so powerful and offer so much wisdom that their mystical symbolism cannot be explained in just one lesson.

In the rabbinic tradition, a verse of Scripture is said to be like a jewel: every time you turn the surface, light is reflected in a different way and, looking from a different angle, you see something unique and beautiful.

These engaging intensives provide step-by-step instruction to replicate the power of a master teaching. You’ll take a deep dive into the metaphysical symbolism of the characters, places and events and uncover the power of divine wisdom to handle situations with ease.

Learn how to reenergize your body with divine life, gain manifestation steps to open new pathways of prosperity, and awaken the most amazing love at your core.

Start Your Spiritual Awakening Today!  


Choose the membership subscription that works best for you. 

$29.95 per month

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Yearly - Save $60
$299  per year

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Change your life for the better...forever!

I wanted to change jobs, but I was afraid because I thought I couldn’t make any money doing what I loved. Using the spiritual principles of love and persistence gave me the courage to trust. I began scheduling myself as a wedding photographer on weekends and now I am building my business, my belief, and my prosperity. One day soon I’ll be a full-time photographer!

-George, Chicago, IL

What’s included in my monthly membership?

Each lesson calls you into a real, tangible, active relationship with the divine.

Featured Monthly Lesson ~ A new spiritual principle is linked to timeless, spiritually rich teachings in Scripture including:

  • A video or audio recording
  • A belief-building affirmation
  • A prayer
  • A spiritual practice

Easily integrate the teaching into your daily life through lessons which pose a human challenge and show how you can be positively transformed using the Mindset + Spirit-set paradigm.

Live Online Training with Cherie ~ Once-a-month Online Meetups where we:

  • Drill down on a featured spiritual principle
  • Expand on ways to facilitate your journey on a deeper level
  • Get your questions answered
  • Interact with a group of like-minded individuals who, like you, desire to grow spiritually and are ready to create an extraordinary life       

I hold a field of love for you so you can awaken to the truth of your being and discover your unique spiritual essence.

Spiritual Growth Studio Library ~ More Than 80 archived lessons emphasizing Universal principles of:

  • Love, Healing, Guidance, Wisdom, Faith
  • Prosperity, Relationships, Career, and more

Browse the content to find what best supports, guides, and inspires you to have help at your fingertips, anytime.

Spiritual Insights Blog ~ Blog posts to continue building spiritual awareness with:

  • The latest thoughts about living a Spirit-led life in a very human existence
  • Practical how-to’s, tips, and strategies

You’ll receive these posts from me to help you feel inspired, excited, and supported.

Sacred Community ~ Our private Facebook community, Enlightening Moments, is a safe, supportive place for:

  • Deeper discovery of your authentic self
  • Finding like-minded friends who are committed to spiritual growth and connectivity
  • Sharing your insights and asking questions
  • Giving support and helping build a wonderful online sanctuary of love and learning    

All Spiritual Growth Studio members are invited to join this exclusive group and make wonderful connections.

Special Pricing- Discounts on private prayer sessions with Cherie and new courses

Start Your Spiritual Awakening Today! 

Choose the membership subscription that works best for you. 

$29.95 per month

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Yearly - Save $60
$299  per year

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This is what I’ve always believed.

Cherie’s unique and powerful interpretation of scripture is rich, relevant and practical. The blend of eastern and western teaching fits what I have believed all my life and feeds my soul. It feels so good to have something to nourish my Spirit again. I didn’t realize how empty and detached I was feeling, just going through the motions each day on auto pilot. Now I feel like I have something I can turn to that inspires me with purpose and passion. I’m watching everything I can get my hands on!

-Mark, Boston, MA

Meet Cherie, Your Spiritual Mentor…

I am Cherie Larkin ~ minister, teacher, and spiritual mentor. I work with people from all walks of life who sincerely seek to make the connection between Mind and Spirit.

When I see people struggling, feeling helpless and hopeless, living with every kind of difficulty – illness, lack, loss, divorce, unemployment, addiction, depression, bankruptcy; trying to overcome feelings of fear, anger, guilt, shame, inadequacy, inferiority, unworthiness, and more – I want to give them (and you) the tools I have found that can defeat all those soul-eroding habits. 

No matter what your background is, you can learn to apply universal spiritual principles to optimize a life of success by making the correlation between universal spiritual principles and the connection to Spirit that arises from a deeper metaphysical teaching of the stories offered in Scripture. It’s what I call a Mindset PLUS Spirit-set paradigm that opens you to the Universal Christ Consciousness.  

The truth is, there is no secret or magic potion out there that will instantly transform your life. Yet, in all my work, within myself as well as with thousands of people over the years, I have found that as you make conscious connection with your Spirit, and acquaint yourself with universal spiritual principles and learn how to apply them, you can and will improve your life...immensely. Spiritual Growth Studio was created to be much more than just another ‘fulfillment stopping-off place.’ It is a place where you can learn how to unleash the miraculous power of your Spirit, so you gain great and lasting proficiency in creating a fulfilled life.

There is a power within you greater than anything external to you, and you can trust this power completely to bring forth that which is for your highest good.

-Cherie Larkin

HOW Spiritual Growth Studio Works Exactly. . .

Spiritual Growth Studio works by giving you expanded perspectives on universal principles that you can mindfully apply in practical ways.

Each new lesson I share each month is designed to help you discover:

  • How the underlying universal principle is linked to the timeless, spiritually rich teachings in Scripture
  • How closely the characters and events in the stories mirror the unfoldment of your own consciousness
  • The existence of a remarkable resemblance and relevance to your own life and circumstances 
  • Ways to incorporate the teachings to greatly accelerate your spiritual growth and improve your life


I’ve structured the additional Bi-monthly posts, Live online trainings, and a private Facebook group to support you in building an inventory of universal principles that will help you attract abundance, vibrant health, professional success, distinguished career, and happy personal relationships while you quit attracting difficult people, misfortune, and painful experiences.


Each lesson offers a spiritual teaching that calls you into a real, tangible, active relationship with the Divine.

Start Your Spiritual Awakening Today!  


Choose the membership subscription that works best for you. 

$29.95 per month

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Yearly - Save $60
$299  per year

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As you begin to live the perfect divine pattern within you, feel yourself taking on its perfection of grace, beauty, strength, and wholeness which was conceived for you by the Creator from the beginning.

-Cherie Larkin

To Recap: Your Membership Includes ...

Featured Monthly Lesson – A new lesson each month complete with a spiritual principle, prayer, belief-building affirmation, and spiritual practice to easily integrate the teaching.

Live Online Meet-up - Connection with Cherie for Q & A and an expanded teaching.

Spiritual Growth Studio Library - Over 80 self-paced lessons, prayers, and meditations archived for your use anytime. 

Spiritual Insights Blog - Informative blog posts with added insights for living a Spirit-led life.    

Special Pricing- Discounts on private prayer sessions with Cherie and new courses

Sacred Community - Connect with like-minded people in our private Facebook group.

AND. . . upon joining Spiritual Growth Studio, you immediately receive my. . . 

Welcome Series - Get the most impact from your first few days in SGS…just follow my welcome email series.

You also have nothing to lose when you join because of our…

Cancellation Policy - There’s no obligation or fine print. You can cancel your membership at any time.

Unlock the code for an extraordinary life as you sink the taproot of your heart deeply into your divine identity.

Start Your Spiritual Awakening Today!  


Choose the membership subscription that works best for you. 

$29.95 per month

Yes, I want to SIGN UP NOW!

Yearly - Save $60
$299  per year

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Our Guarantee

We want you to be sure Spiritual Growth Studio is a perfect fit for you. If you are not convinced of the incredible value contained within Spiritual Growth Studio, simply cancel your monthly membership and no further charges will be applied.

If you purchase an annual membership, you can cancel within 7 days of purchase by contacting us at [email protected] after which there is no provision for a refund. 

You may refer to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for full details.

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