Do you want to return to a greater sense of joy, peace, or light-heartedness? Do you want to live with:
Maybe there is a deep, seeming irreconcilable hurt or fear in you that keeps recycling itself. You know the one you’ve worked on healing for many years, but it remains unresolved.
There is a spiritual principle of Resurrection. It will assist you in becoming more your authentic self... more of the Christ Spirit within you so that you are equipped to overcome any challenge.
Say to yourself,
In The Power to Resurrect, we will look at four steps we can move through to resurrect something in our lives.
The four steps are Intention, Purification, Assimilation, and Resurrection.
When we move through the mental and spiritual process of these four steps, they will lead us into the deepest part of ourselves, where we can touch, heal, and transform anything holding us back.
No amount of hanging onto old negative behaviors, thoughts, feelings, or habits can withstand the power of the resurrection energy. Any seeming irreconcilable hurt or fear that has been recycling itself, anything dormant, dead, or buried in a forgotten tomb of limitation, will be drawn out to be crucified, destroyed, completely annihilated, never to return or be felt or experienced again.
So be willing to let whatever is ready to be transformed in you be lifted up into this resurrecting power. The Truth is, there is a deeper dimension of your soul that has been there all along waiting for you to give it permission to help you. It’s waiting for you to say “Yes” to it so it can release its redeeming, renewing power in your life bringing you peace, satisfaction, and happiness.
In this first step of resurrection, I invite you to set an intention. Identify something you want to be rid of in your life...something you want to transform. Be willing to walk into an entirely new life, free of this “thing” that’s been holding you back.
Setting an intention will involve surrender. You’ll have to let go of your story, your personal willfulness, your resistance, or the need to control things, so the higher plan of God can come forth.
When the way Jesus was to go was revealed to him in the Garden of Gethsemane, even his prayer was, “If it be possible let this cup pass me by.” In the Gospel of Matthew 26: 38-39, Jesus said to his disciples, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death...Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
He was deeply grieved and agitated. He threw himself on ground and sweat tears of blood. In his very human nature, he said his Spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.
To create the fully “Christed” self that the resurrection offers, everything personal must be surrendered so that every part of us can be lifted into the Christ consciousness. This surrender process begins in Gethsemane. Gethsemane spiritually represents the place in our consciousness where there is a total and complete giving over to the higher ways of Spirit. Where, like Jesus, we learn to say, “Not my will but thine be done.”
Oh, but do not worry because what we are surrendering into is divine love...God’s highest plan of good for our lives. We are surrendering into an all-providing, all protecting, all wise, guiding divine presence.
In this first step to resurrection, as you set an intention, let the energy of the Christ Spirit within you begin a requalifying, redeeming work in your life and circumstances. Let your whole consciousness be raised to a higher vibration so all fearful, negative states of mind begin to dissolve. Feel yourself beginning to be pulled toward the highest potential of your being. Feel God's highest plan of good for your life beginning to be revealed.
And in our next lesson, step two, we will look at the purification phase of resurrection. The crossing out of anything that gets in the way of a fulfilled life.
For now, affirm: